fostering a love of the world while loving our community …
Since its inception, Explore More Family Travel has been about much more than selling trips. We are about sharing our love of this big, beautiful world with anyone that has a desire to learn about it, whether that is through travel, reading books, creating crafts, watching videos, sharing photos, and more. We are also committed to being a partner to our Lake Norman community and giving back to it since it has given so much to us.
We realize that not all of our clients live in our community, which is why we do not limit our giving back. We give back to the world at large and are inspired by current and natural events.
We like to raise funds around here, and we are always looking to partner with non-profits. This can happen one of two ways:
1) A donor trip – people affiliated with the same group travel together. There are discounts in numbers, so we will donate that discount towards the non-profit.
2) We create a special link for a non-profit to share with its community. A donation will be made for each individual trip that was referred by the non-profit.

To connect with us on ways to collaborate, please contact Jen at
When Jen married her husband Rob in 2011, they did not give wedding favors to their guests. They left a card at everyone’s plate stating that a gift had been donated in their honor to a children’s orphanage in Cambodia. During their honeymoon, Rob & Jen visited that orphanage during our honeymoon and traveled with them on a fundraising trip of their own within Cambodia.
It has always been important to Rob and Jen that they raise their twins to realize that the world is much bigger than the bubble they find themselves in much of the time. Before they started elementary school, they accompanied Jen to volunteer at Refugee Support Services of the Carolinas on a regular basis. They met children from all over the world and started to understand and empathize with those of different backgrounds.
Between the boys activity schedule and running a business, Jen not been able to volunteer as much as she would like. Sometimes she is still able to incorporate volunteering during a trip, but she wants to do more, which is why fundraising and donations are an important part of her business plan. #exploremore #domore